이용후기 - 경주 청춘 게스트하우스 (Dreamer Guesthouse Gyeongju) @ Gyeongju Si

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 경주 청춘 게스트하우스 (Dreamer Guesthouse Gyeongju)의Gyeongju Si. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 영어
  • 일본어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 엘리베이터


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 스파
  • 정원

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방
  • 바비큐(BBQ) 시설

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 도서관
  • 세탁 서비스
  • 익스프레스 체크인/체크아웃
  • 미용실
  • 안전 금고
  • 컨시어지
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 패밀리룸

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 자전거 대여

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • 난방
  • 샤워실
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 무료 생수
  • 세면도구




일반적인 도미토리에는 욕실이 공용인데, 이곳은 방마다 욕실(&화장실)이 같이 있어서 몹시 좋았습니다 더 보기
The guesthouse is located a short walk away from the bus terminal, with plenty of gd dining options ard the area. The host is very friendly and helpful in providing recommendations for places to visit. Rooms are clean, comfortable and spacious. In short, good value for $ if you are visiting the area 더 보기
It was really an enjoyable experience at this guesthouse. The owner was really friendly and they even offer activities such as night tour and chicken and beer party at night for us to get to know more people. You can rent a bike too at the guesthouse to tour the main attractions in the area,which was pretty close anyway. The bed was really cool and the room is really clean. There is privacy for each bed space as there is curtain and a mini lamp, hence you feel quite cozy. 더 보기
Too expensive for what it is. At 12pm you have to be at the guesthouse, if you are late it is supposed you are not allowed in. Staff hardly speak any English at all, and they are not very helpful. Warm and very bright rooms. Usually guests are not allowed to keep the aircon control with them in the room... It's more like a boarding school for adults than a guesthouse or hostel 더 보기
So I check in at noon and ask them to put my bags on a bottom bunk. The girl refuses and tells me I have to come back @ 3PM. I actually take the time, effort, and cost to come back 5mins til 3PM and she had given away all the bottom bunks. I complain and she turns rude and dismissive for the rest of my stay. I wanted to stay a couple more days but the childish manners were too much. The other 2 staff members were perfectly fine. They helped when they could and was perfectly realistic about their english skills, whereas the angry one insisted on using her horrible english even though it was perfectly obvious that her english isn't even close to usable. I would have given the staff rating a zero but for the other two girls. 더 보기
I have a short one-night stay here. This place is nice with attentive staffs. It is close to attractive and Gyeongju Station. Their bed and room is cozy and overall atmosphere is fun. I love their decoration on the wall. It gives good information about many attraction around Gyeongju. 더 보기
The place was booked out and our reservation was cancelled. This was caused by a delay in communication between the accommodation and Agoda. 더 보기
The guesthouse is a close walk to the main bus terminal and other major sights like anapji pond. Rooms are clean and well-equipped, the self-serve breakfast is great and the staff and really friendly and inclusive. Recommend if you want a clean and affordable place to stay! 더 보기
My friend and I visited Dreamer Guesthouse for Lunar New year and stayed for two nights. The staff were very welcoming, kind and helpful. They spoke good English and invited us to socialise with them and the other guests on both nights. We put in 5,000won and made dok(rice cake soup), drank beer and soju, and played the Yunnori board game, which are traditional things to do on Lunar New Year. We particularly enjoyed the Yunnori game as when the players landed on certain spaces they had to do forfeits like drink a dirty pint, or let the other team draw on their face which was so much fun. Breakfast was a simple self-service deal, but both Korean and western food (eggs, toast, jam, butter, coffee) were provided which I thought was very good. The guesthouse is also in a great location. Very close to both bus terminals, which was very convenient for us. We would definitely stay here again, and recommend staying here to a friend. Great value for money. Thanks to the staff for a wonderful experience! 더 보기
Guesthouse 鄰近購物中心,用餐、購物都很方便。 床位有獨立簾,私隱度較高。 但八人房只有人間浴廁,洗澡不太方便。 더 보기
慶州真的很美,很想再去一次,民宿地理位置方便,經濟又干淨,是個不錯的選擇 慶州真的很美,很想再去一次,民宿地理位置方便,經濟又干淨,是個不錯的選擇 더 보기
該在入住時間卻找不到任何人在民宿(都已經晚上七點多,真的很想休息),在空無一人的民宿櫃檯前必須自己撥打電話(如果房客沒有手機怎麼辦?),撥打之後男stuff說不清到底怎麼辦也沒有要立刻回來辦理入住手續。過了十幾分鐘還要自己主動再撥一次,請了個會說英文的路人幫忙說明告知房號說可以自己進房。一直到晚上快十點才另外一個女stuff來提供枕頭套跟毛巾。雖然女生stuff態度良好,但是入住的接待服務真的太差。 民宿的腳踏車很爛,租借時還一直說不能變速不然鏈子掉了壞了要賠錢什麼的。有夠麻煩。強力不推薦該民宿提供的腳踏車。 더 보기
房間較細,洗手間抽風較差 더 보기
房間很新很乾淨,床具非常乾淨,有電毯,有腳踏車出租,不過要另付5000韓幣,但比市區腳踏車店便宜一半,不過有置物櫃會更好 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 15:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간: 00:00

교통 안내

  • 도심까지의 거리: 1 km

추가 정보

  • 조식 요금(객실 요금에 불포함 시): 0 KRW
  • 인터넷/Wi-Fi 사용료(1일): 0 KRW

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 층수: 2
  • 총 객실 수 : 11
  • 객실 전압(V): 220
  • 숙소 건축 연도: 2013
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2013

주차 정보

  • 주차료(1일): 0 KRW


경북 경주시 노서동 117-2, 경주 도심, 경주, 대한민국, 38158