이용후기 - 광주 그린 게스트하우스 (Gwangju Green Guesthouse) @ Gwangju Metropolitan City

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 광주 그린 게스트하우스 (Gwangju Green Guesthouse)의Gwangju Metropolitan City. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

인기 시설/서비스

  • 정원
  • 공용 주방

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 영어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 엘리베이터


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 여행 안내소
  • 정원

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방
  • 바비큐(BBQ) 시설

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 24시간 프런트 데스크
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 일일 청소 서비스
  • 금연 숙소
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 컨시어지
  • 도서관
  • 익스프레스 체크인/체크아웃
  • 흡연 구역

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 패밀리룸

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 자전거 대여
  • 주차장(무료)
  • 택시 서비스

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 암막 커튼
  • 책상
  • 금연
  • 에어컨
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 무료 생수
  • 유선인터넷(무료)
  • 휴식 공간




늦은 시간에 도착했는데 주인분이 엄청 친절하세요 더 보기
고향 집에 머문것 같은 느낌 더 보기
어렸을때 살았던 내 고향, 광주는 항상 그리움입니다. 오랫만에 광주를 향하며 연락하면 달려나올 지인들이 있음에도 조용히 어릴적 추억여행을 하듯 혼자서 광주를 맛보려 시간을 내어봤답니다. 여행지마다 검색시 사용해보며 신뢰가 높았던 아고다통해 그린게스트하우스를 와서 쉬는데 꼬슬꼬슬한 깨끗한 잠자리에 직원의 친절하고 배려깊은 태도와 조용한 주택환경은 무엇보다 으뜸입니다. 거기에 식탁과 냉장고에 넉넉히 준비된 건강한 조식꺼리들은 여행자의 마음을 푸근하게까지 하지요. 내 고향 광주에 이렇게 추천할만한 좋은숙소가 감사할 수 밖에요. 아침에 나오며 인사도 못하고 나왔는데 이렇게라도 감사를 전할수 있어 뿌듯합니다ㅎㅎ 더 보기
Owner didn't know I was coming, couldn't find my way in.. nor was it cleaned. The owner was trying to be as helpful as possible. Quiet neighborhood. 더 보기
The guesthouse is clean and comfortable with a fully stocked kitchen if you need one. There is also a great outdoor area. The hostess is wonderful and speaks good English. It's about a 25 minute walk from the bus terminal and a 45 minute walk from downtown, or an easy bus ride. You will need suitable navigation to find as it's in the heart of a Korean suburb where you will get to experience local life. It has convenience stores and local restaurants. 더 보기
Thank to Green Guesthouse, my solo trip to Gwangju was very nice and pleased~~ The owner and her family was nice and very helpful. Breakfast was quite well prepared and the place was quiet (abt 10 mins on foot to the nearest bus stop). I really recommend this guest house for those who want an quiet and pleasant stay at Gwangju. 더 보기
The owner lady is very nice and it is a very nice Korean style house. Breakfast variety is good (bread, coffee, ramen, eggs, etc) and you can use the facilities in the kitchen to cook breakfast yourself. The place is clean and is located in a quiet neighbourhood. There are not many guest when I arrived and the lady offered me a private room in second floor. Thank you owner lady for staying with me considering I might feel boring in the house. I had a great conversation with you. Thank you very much. I hope you and your family are in good health and may you success in your English Literature studies. 더 보기
I booked 1 bed in 6 beds but gotten single room so tqvm for the free upgrade. there's no staff most times but you are not lacking anything at all! food, water & in my case, orange juices were available for consumption without extra cost. I was briefed by the staff/ owner during check in. very clean & quality of guests are good as well. maybe of the location so it's slightly more pricey than say guesthouses in Seoul, Busan & Jeju. only 1 shower/bathroom but 3 rooms would probably house 3-5 guests tops. during my stay I never had to queue nor fight someone for usage of bathroom. friendly neighbourhood and the restaurants are all yummy too. I didn't experience any bad tasting or inedible food while there. the walk from bus station is not far but make sure you've gotten the right direction else it will be hard to locate since it's a suburb area. once you figured that out, it's a breeze! buses are very convenient too! loved my stay there ^^ 더 보기
Typical korean house turned guesthouse. This guest house come with 2 rooms on level 1. Big room comes with 3x bunk bed & 1 single bed + 1 parition room with a double bed. Not very sure abt the small room as i stay in the big room. Nothing much to comment as it was just a layover before i head to airport, and i'm out during the day. Host is helpful to provide me useful bus information on how to get the the airport as my flight is a morning flight. 더 보기
I could have used some instructions about public transportation available in the area, but fortunately the tourist information desk was open when I arrived in Gwangju, so they helped me catch the bus I needed. The location is rather central between the bus, train stations, and the cultural district, but it's not particularly close to either on foot. It was a 20-30 minute walk to get to the cultural district and a subway stop. It would have been nice if the guesthouse had some information regarding public transportation routes in the area. Part of its low price, I'm sure, comes from being in a more residential area, that's a little further away from the tourist areas, but that's something to keep in mind as you're booking. It's not the quickest on-foot access and the bus lines that came to the stop closest to the guest house didn't seem to go to the areas I wanted to get to. Otherwise, though, all the rooms that I was offered had air conditioning, which was nice, and I got to have a private room to myself since the house wasn't very busy at the time that I was there (during the week, instead of weekend). 더 보기
After a 10 minute walk from the train station I walked down a dim lit alley to find the guesthouse (don't worry though, this is typical for some places in Korea). After entering the guest house I was pleasantly greeted by the owner who gave me a tour and offer me some hot chocolate. She offered to give me a private room and a free upgrade just because it was available, which was awesome! My two night stay there was great and I would recommend people who want to stay in a nice place near the Gwangju Train station and that want to experience a Korean style household! Thanks for the great stay!! 더 보기
走路就可以抵達青春跋山村,另外附近公車站牌很方便,可直達Usqure、地鐵站,往雙年展、美術館、無等山也都可以喔! 더 보기
まずゲストハウスの前にあるお店せのマートの女将さんがとても親切だつた。場所も教えてもらったしゲストハウスとの接觝も女将さんのお陰で出来ました。大感謝。 ゲストハウスの社長も口コミどおり優しかった。クチコミを見てグリーンゲストハウスに決めたけと、間違い無かった。朝から挽き立てのコーヒー(もちろん自分で挽きますが)を飲んで気持ち良く出発出来ました。 더 보기
初めての都市に行くと、町の様子を知るためにうろうろします。 グリーンゲストハウス、周りにあまり何もない住宅街の中にあり、 ちょっと見つけにくいかもしれませんが、光州市の出している観光地図に 名前が載っているので、それを頼りに見つけました。 公共バスなど、ソウルに比べると交通の便は良くありません。 2日いてやっと少しわかった程度。 ゲストハウスは4~6人家族向けの大きめな民家でした。 オーナーは非常に親切なかたでした。近所に住んでいるらしいです。 一日目は仁川から来た韓国人の青年、二日目は自分一人きりだった せいか、ドミトリー利用でしたが一人で部屋を使わせていただきました。 おかげで2日とも寝すぎてしまいました。 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 13:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 12:00

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 객실 수 : 3


북구 경양로 63번길 15 (임동 191-14), 북구, 광주, 대한민국, 61249