이용후기 - 하모니 크루즈 여수 엑스포 (Harmony Cruise Yeosu Expo) @ Yeosu Si

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 하모니 크루즈 여수 엑스포 (Harmony Cruise Yeosu Expo)의Yeosu Si. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


근처 명소

편의 시설/서비스

인기 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 나이트클럽
  • 스파
  • 피트니스 센터
  • 마사지
  • 실외 수영장
  • 사우나
  • 온수 욕조

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 레스토랑
  • 바(Bar)
  • 풀사이드 바
  • 룸서비스
  • 커피숍

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 세탁 서비스
  • 컨시어지
  • 안전 금고
  • 흡연 구역

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 아동용 수영장
  • 키즈 클럽
  • 패밀리룸

출입/접근 서비스

  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • 객실 내 안전 금고
  • 미니바
  • 유선인터넷(유료)
  • 금연
  • 샤워실
  • 책상
  • 냉장고
  • 에어컨
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 무료 생수
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송




매우 좋음
처음 크루즈 여행이었는데 방도 괜찮고 깨끗하고 친절한 서비스 정말 좋앗습니다. 그리고 저녁에 갑판에 올라가 맛있는 음식과 주류로 낭만적인 저녁을 가져도 좋을듯하네요. 크루즈 여행 한번쯤은 꼭 강추합니다. 더 보기
It was our choice to stay in this hotel as we wanted to go last minutes tour go Yeosu expo in South Korea, while on a business trip there. This hotel is a small sized cruise ship. It does really sail between Korea and Japan. So dont expect to find this hotel on a regular basis. There were only two of us on board with many many service people during our stay. Imagine! We were center of attention!! 더 보기
A really good place to stay at if going to the Yeosu expo as the cruise is docked at the port in expo. The cruise had very effecient and helpful staff, strict security, clean ship/rooms; overall a relaxing and high class cruise experience. 더 보기
Without the help of the crew members, we were not able to catch the train to go to Seoul in that rainy night. Thank you for all those crew members who had helped us to catch a taxi, to pick up our luggage and to return to the station. The buffet breakfast was good. 더 보기
This is the first time for me and my friend to take on a cruise. We are very exciting of having such experience. The staff updated our room type from "inside" to "with window". From the room, we can see the Expo site. The breakfast buffet is also awesome, plently of western and korean food. We did have a wonderful time there. 더 보기
We decided to stay on the Harmony Cruise ship during our visit to the Yeosu Expo. The room was small (as expected for a cruise ship), particulary the bathroom. We didn't see many other guests and it didn't seem like the "events" that were scheduled actually took place. One thing that we weren't told is that you need to be back on the ship by 11pm. The best thing about our stay was the breakfast buffet, which was great. Despite the good breakfast, I would say it was a bit overpriced overall. 더 보기
i stayed at the harmony cruise when i visited the expo. i had heard it would make things manageable as far as visiting the expo, and that was true - the ship was moored at a gate right by the expo, so all i needed to do was arrive on the train and i was right at the expo and the hotel. there is a shuttle that will take you to the gate near the ship if you're carrying luggage. it was quite spendy, but the facilties were fine, the service was really outstanding, and the food was wondeful. there were a lot of shipboard activities which i didn't take much advantage of because i was seeing the expo. the main negatives were being searched when going onboard, having to return at night by 10:30 and getting short notice to leave before the normal checkout time because of the arrival of another ship. 더 보기
Excellent buffet, great rooms and views, could have been better with general service but overall it was a good, clean, and lovely experience with nice crew and the best ever breakfast buffet and the Phillipino service crew was fun and very friendly! 더 보기
being a visitor to the expo 2012, this hotel have a perfect location. the crew is mainly phillipino, which means a difference in south korea, it means that it is possible to speak english and be understood. good food and nice "hanging" at the bar. i liked it. 더 보기
i was most impressed by the helpful and friendly staff. the room was quite small. there were quite a lot of activities and shows in the cruise everyday. we watched a kpop show which was quite interesting. overall our stay was ok. 더 보기
We are so happy that we stayed on the Harmony Cruise ship during our visit to Expo 2012. We were given a large room, in fact larger than some of the hotels we stay at during our vacation! Being on the ship meant easy access to Expo...we didn't have to leave the Expo grounds. It was very, very convenient as opposed to staying at a hotel off-site because it will take you a couple of days to see Expo. 더 보기
We really enjoyed our stay on the ship during Expo 2012, but it was not without some issues. None of these were really the fault of the ship or its staff, but it was unfortunate that the Korean Coast Guard closed the gate at 9:30 PM and as such, we were unable to enjoy the main show at Expo. In addition, the port asked that the ship sail on the day we checked out so we were required to board a dingy and be taken to shore. All that said, the staff was really nice and the room clean. It was a nice experience. 더 보기
距離世博會場地十分近. 房間比較細. 出入酒店(船艙)時比較麻煩,每次都要安檢,物品要經過 X光機. 最差的是晚上 10:15 前要回酒店(會關閘),但世博的表演晚上11:00才結束! 더 보기
遊輪旅店.夜間可悠閒吹海風.賞夜景.停泊處可於3分鐘進入世博會場.早餐臨窗觀海輕鬆享受.高鐵出口有專人接待.房間很小.隔音很差.衛浴非常簡單.可自備零嘴.飲料到頂層享用.價格稍貴 더 보기
매우 좋음
バスターミナルからタクシーで10分弱、ハーモニークルーズというとすぐわかって、ホテルに近い2番ゲートは車が入れないので、3番ゲート前でおりてシャトルバスに乗るように案内してくれました。まっすぐ50m?歩くとバスが止まっています。5-10分おき位にピストン輸送してます1台で。バスを降りると係りの方が座っていて名札をくれます。セキュリティを通って船へ。部屋はせまいけど快適でした。テーブルのミネラルウォーター2本は毎日無料。朝食は和洋韓ビュッフェ、おはしはないので、頼むと持ってきてくれます。リボンをつけて。オムレツがおいしかったです。船の隣が野外コンサート会場で毎晩やってました。屋上デッキからみる夜の万博会場や船、対岸のホテルのライトアップもきれいでした。そこのレストランのハンバーガーもおいしかったです。ポテトが山盛り!2番ゲートは現代、サムソン、ロボット館が近く早朝はすいてるのでゆったりみれます。夜のBIG O は遠くからも見れるけど近くの正面からが数万倍きれいです。 平日だったせいか、21時過ぎにタワーに行くと入場受付が終わっていました。観覧は計画的に。 더 보기
レストランの料理、スタッフのマナーともに大変良く満足でした。部屋も特に問題なく一般的なビジネスホテルと大差ないと思います。ただショップなどが営業状態になく(準備中?)全般的に暗い雰囲気なので華やかさに欠ける点で残念でした。現地でホテルに行くためにどのように手続きすればよいのか、受付け窓口を探す手間がかかりました。できればもう少しわかりやすい方法を考えてみればよいと思います。 더 보기
매우 좋음
地図検索しても港しか出ないので、不安でした。最寄りの麗水エキスポ駅で聞くと、近くのバスからシャトルバスがでていました。と、いっても乗車時間は二分。歩くには遠いがいけなくもない距離で。バスを降りると受付があり、そこから係りの人が船、豪華客船まで案内してくれました。出港するまでね間、停泊地でHotel利用に開放してるそうです。船のキャビンなんで部屋に風呂はなく、狭いシャワー、トイレ、ダブルベッド、テレビ、ミニバーの狭いビジネスHotelという感じでしょうか。その分、船内にはカジノ、サウナ、ジャグジー、バー、レストランなどは充実してました。客のほとんどはエキスポ目的なんで、けれらを使う人は少ないんですが、。サービスは沢山の係が暇だからか、よく働いていました。朝食ビッフェが美味かったです。 더 보기
ホテルのフロントは日本語が話せる韓国人女性スタッフが居てます。 ベルボーイは皆さんきちんと挨拶と笑顔が最高です。 一番気に入ったのは、BBQレストランスタッフの対応の良さ そこを取り仕切ってるのが日本人なのか、韓国の方なのか 日本語が完璧な男性です。 年も若く気配りも 振る舞いも素晴らしいです。 なのでここでは客室は窓が無い部屋で息苦しく感じましたが、滞在中は船の屋上でのんびり海でも見て暮らすのがオススメです☆ 더 보기
Fue una gran experiencia estar alojados en el Harmony cruise.Disfrutamos en cubierta de los conciertos de la Expo de Yeosu.El restaurante es muy recomendable así como el bufet desayuno es muy variado.No tienen Fre wi-fi. 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 15:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간: 00:00

교통 안내

  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 30

추가 정보

  • 조식 요금(객실 요금에 불포함 시): KRW
  • 인터넷/Wi-Fi 사용료(1일): 10000 KRW

숙소 일반 정보

  • 금연 객실/층: Yes
  • 바(Bar)/라운지 수: 4
  • 레스토랑 수: 3
  • 총 객실 수 : 383
  • 객실 전압(V): 220
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2001


덕충동, 1998, 엑스포국제 여객터미널, 만덕동, 여수, 대한민국