이용후기 - 호텔 그림 인 동대문 서울 (Hotel Grim in Dongdaemoon Seoul) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 호텔 그림 인 동대문 서울 (Hotel Grim in Dongdaemoon Seoul)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.

편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 러시아어
  • 중국어(북경어)
  • 영어
  • 우크라이나어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 룸서비스(24시간)
  • 조식 포함

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 금연 숙소
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 경비 서비스
  • 24시간 프런트 데스크
  • 엘리베이터
  • 24시간 상시 체크인
  • 반려동물 동반 가능

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 택시 서비스

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 목욕 가운
  • 에어컨
  • 거울
  • 무료 생수
  • 옷 거는 행거
  • 공기청정기
  • 무료 웰컴 드링크
  • 유선인터넷(무료)
  • 금연
  • 무료 인스턴트 커피
  • 전화기
  • 난방
  • 무료 차
  • 타월
  • 냉장고
  • 세면도구
  • 평면 TV
  • 리넨
  • 소화기
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 슬리퍼
  • 흡연 가능




날벌레 엄청 많고 지저분했어요 더 보기
장점 1. 티비는 잘 나옴. 2. 침대는 푹신한 편. 단점 1. 설명과는 달리 목욕가운도, 슬리퍼도, 일일 청소서비스도 없음. 2. 객실 내 환기가 제대로 안되어 퀘퀘한 냄새가 너무 심하게 남. 3. 창문이 하나밖에 없는데 그마저도 빛이 거의 들어오지 않는 객실이었음. 4. 화장실과 샤워실이 분리되어 있는 형태의 객실이었는데 수건 걸이가 화장실에 있어 불편했음. 5. 화장실에서 담배냄새가 지독하게 나고 물이 일부 새서 바닥이 젖어 불편함. 6. 방음이 안됨. 7. 정확한 시간 간격은 모르겠으나 세면대 부근 또는 화장실 부근에서 계속 부서지는 듯한 소리가 남. 8. 체크인 시 시설이용과 관련한 설명이 부족했고 예약 확인 후 객실만 알려줌. 더 보기
직원분이 참 친절해요 다만 청결에 신경을 조금 더 써주시면 감사하겠습니다 화장실 냄새가 좀 심하고 세면대가 고장나 있네요.. 침대보는 잘 안가시는거 같고 다른건 다 마음에 들었어요^^ 더 보기
들어갔더니 문도 고장나서 좁은 뒷문으로 다녔는데 길 마저도 쓰레기봉지로 가득차서 지나가기 불편하고 더러웠고 방 이불 위생 상태도 최악이고 방읍도 전혀 안되고 사진이랑 다르게 방이 진짜 좁습니다. 사진에서 보기엔 그나마 괜찮아 보였는데 너무 좁았음. 침대하나 화장실 욕실 그리고 끝. 더 보기
공파이와 하수구 냄새 때문에 힘들었어요. 욕실 구조가 현대식으로 세면대 샤워실 화장실 각각 나눠져 있는데 샤워실에 있어야할 수건 걸이가 화장실에 있어 황당했어요 ㅠㅠ TV도 작동이 잘 되지 않아 불편했어요... 더 보기
위치가 너무 안좋았오요 ,, 근데 에어콘두 잘되고 티비도 잘 나오고 호텔보단 모텔 ~ 느낌이지만 좋았어요 근데 위치는 안좋다는 점 ㅠㅠ 더 보기
주인분도 아주 친절하시고 지하철 역 바로 근처라서 교통도 좋은것 같았네요. 더 보기
매우 좋음
가격대비 만족하나 모기때문에 잠을 못잠 더 보기
The place was really nice. New facility, and the mirrors on the wall were a nice touch too. Bathroom was super clean, but the toilet had glass walls with some purposeful hazing for "privacy", but it's not really private. The two main things that sucked was the front desk lady didn't speak English, so checking in was an extra step. Also, there was an A/C machine in the room, it just didn't work unfortunately. There was a small window that helped when we opened it, but the A/C would have really made the place a step up. Probably not bearable if you absolutely need A/C. I'm usually picky with that but it actually wasn't terrible. 더 보기
- smoking smell - No cleaning even ask staff n leave key - No speak English - The last if you guy stay here don't leave value stuff in room when out .. I lost them at last day😡😡🤬🤬 더 보기
takes 10-15 minutes to walk from the station, quite quiet, no elevator, room small, water leaking but reasonable price to have this room 더 보기
I arrived at the hotel around 11pm but there was a confusion with my arrangement. Good thing i have my korean friend to help me sort it out. The staff apologised for what happened and even gave us a one time consideration and gave us a bigger room because my korean friend stayed with me for that night. For the duration of my stay, i can say that the staff are all very accommodating and friendly. Depsite the language barrier, they still make an effort to tend to all your needs. The place is neat and tidy. Although it's not in a prime location but the distance from hotel to bus stop is 5mins away and from hotel to subway is 10mins away. Given the chance, i will stay at the place again and definitely recommended to others. 더 보기
The room was so tiny that a double bed was already full of the room. It was so noisy so i could hear everything what other couple do around my room. Bathroom was clean and good. Dont say you are Hotel. You are MOTEL!!!! 더 보기
I originally booked a deluxe double room but was placed in a standard room. My original stay was 3 nights but only ended up staying for 1 as I did not get the room that was advertised and that I paid for. I requested to be moved to another room, but I feel the staff didn't handle my request in a professional or even nice manner (they got angry very quickly). They did not speak much English to me and so it made communication difficult. The standard rooms are good and clean enough, though quite small, the bed is comfortable but you can hear everything that happens just outside(not much privacy). I would recommend this hotel if you're looking for a place to stay on the cheap side. Though I would double check what room you're booking first before paying. The hotel cannot be contacted by email or phone, I've tried several times but there was no answer. The location is good, it's quiet and away from the main road with a convenience store just around the corner. All in all, it wasn't a very good experience for me and would not recommend this hotel to any friends or family. I feel you could get more at another 3 star hotel. 더 보기
I was supposed to stay at this hotel for 3 days and I ended up staying for a week. The location is not as central as I would have liked but the walk to Hoegi subway station is only 10 minutes so it was manageable. This place was very clean, nice and cosy. I can only recommend. Now the biggest Praise goes to the lady at the reception. I am so thankful for her. She was one of the nicest and most helpful ladies I have ever met anywhere. lt was almost sad to leave the hotel and her. She was amazing. 할머니, 당신의 친절에 감사드립니다 <3 더 보기
room was clean and spacious, and the price was affordable ,take 10min to walk to the subway station but overall its a really nice place except for the Wi-Fi is kindda weak. they provide a huge television and computer in the room ~ 더 보기
This was an amazing hotel. The hotel is out of the way, so it's quiet but only a 7 minute walk to the station. The room was clean and provided more than what we paid. I will come back the next time in Seoul. 더 보기
前幾天覺得老闆很熱心,最後一天這種過度關心真的很恐怖!!!!! 門是向外開的,沒有任何內鎖及鏈條! 前三晚沒事,最後一天我清晨6點回去,7點睡覺,8點聽到門的嗶卡聲,轉身一看竟然是老闆,直接坐床邊問我去哪裡、為什麼那麼晚回來,做了什麼、要搭幾點飛機要幾點走,老闆待了近20分鐘才離開,為什麼可以直接進客人房間? 之後整理行李時老闆也再度嗶卡進來,總共四次,因為我要退房了不敢跟他起衝突,真的很害怕 더 보기
附近是社區, 環境單純, 位在外大站和回基站中間, 大馬路外就是往各方向公車站, 去機場,去弘大,去各景點都很方便, 附近的中浪川也是春天賞櫻好地方。 每天都睡的很好, 電視和冰箱都用的很開心。 더 보기
一次住了11天,房間內有地熱天氣冷也不用擔心,因為我們選豪華房所以室內空間我覺得很棒也蠻大的,有電腦以及大電視,室內燈光可以用遙控操作。地點也很不錯,附近就有地鐵商店餐廳等等,經過地鐵站有商圈。基本上都很方便。櫃檯人員不會中文,會簡易英文。對了隔音不是太好喔^_^ 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 15:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 00:00

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 객실 수 : 30
  • 객실 전압(V): 220
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2018


외대역동로1길 12, 동대문, 서울, 대한민국, 02437