이용후기 - 큰대문집 한옥 게스트하우스 (Kundaemunjip Hanok Guesthouse) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 큰대문집 한옥 게스트하우스 (Kundaemunjip Hanok Guesthouse)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 영어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 여행 안내소
  • 정원

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 세탁 서비스
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역
  • 안전 금고
  • 컨시어지

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 놀이터
  • 패밀리룸

출입/접근 서비스

  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터
  • 익스프레스 체크인/체크아웃

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 주차장(무료)
  • 택시 서비스

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 무료 차
  • 커피/티 메이커
  • 금연
  • 샤워실
  • 타월
  • 무료 생수
  • 소화기
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 무료 인스턴트 커피
  • 에어컨
  • 화재감지기




댓글을 보고 반신반의했는데 저희는 좋게 보내고 왔어요 한옥치고는 방도 크고 정원도 컸어요 아침도 죽과 몇가지 반찬으로 깔끔하게 나와서 잘먹었네요 . 기분좋게 여행하고 왔습니다 더 보기
하룻밤 이십팔만원 내고 아침에 달걀하나,베이컨 두조각 얻어먹고 나왔네요..한명은 한식 시킨다고 했더니 만들기 불편하다고 통일해서 시키라고 하더군요.한번만 경험하게될 한옥 숙소지만 너무 배째라 서비스 더 군요.인터넷 올라온 숙소 사진도 너무 과장되있도요 ㅠㅠ 더 보기
별채는 프라이빗하게 약간 떨어져있어서 좋았다. 외국인친구가 바닥에서 자는걸 꺼려하는데 침대가있어서 좋았다. 다만 방안에 침구류에 약간의 얼룩이 있어 조금 찜찜.. 그것빼곤 다 좋았다. 더 보기
사실 큰 단점도 장점도 없는 숙소입니다. 그래서 별 네 개... 다만 정원이 많이 클줄 알고 갔는데 사진에서 보시는 것 만큼 크게 잘 조성되어 있지 않으니 그 점 유의하세요 더 보기
한옥에서 하룻밤을 보내고 싶어서 예약한 곳인데, 위치도 가회동 한옥마을이랑 가까워서 좋았고, 주인분께서도 너무 친절하셔서 즐겁게 보내다 간거같아요; 다만, 제 아이폰이 이상한건지 와이파이 연결이 안되어서 그거 하나만 아쉽네요ㅠ 더 보기
깨끗하고 친절하시고 친구와 함께 잘 쉬었다갑니다. 서울 안에 있다는 걸 잠시 잊을 만큼 조용하고 좋은 곳이었어요! 더 보기
not very clean, found blood stain on the blanket.... bathroom has moldy odor.... outside bathroom access was not listed on the information.... decor was old and needs a wash. the fridge was very loud. 더 보기
This quaint hanok is located near the Bukchon area, which is famous for the village of traditional houses. It's about 400m from the Anguk subway station but the nearest exit doesn't have any elevator or escalator access. It would be better to go to this hanok via the airport limousine bus, as the stop is just a few meters away from the nearest subway exit and is located on ground level. The staff is very nice and accommodating--she allowed us to store our luggage PRIOR to check-in (we scheduled a trip to Jeju in the middle of our stay in Seoul). One feature we really enjoyed (but sadly didn't get to experience much) was the hanbok on display in the room, which was free for the occupants to use. 더 보기
Overall it is one of the most beautiful Hanok in town. Very close to Anguk station by 5 mins walk, and easily get access to scene spots in Buchon. It's very quiet and neat. However it is a little bit over-priced. Compared with Japanese traditional breakfast, Korean style is apparently too "simplified". In addition to that, staff was not very friendly as stated and we guessed maybe that's because she got a cold and did not feel comfortable during our stay. When we asked for help to call a taxi to Seoul station (which in past few days we did encounter some problems standing by the road and waiting for taxis, so we think the best way was to call for reservation in advance) after check out, we were recommended to go outside and wait for random taxi passing by because the distance to Seoul station is too short that taxi drivers were not willing to come!! We thought it's rediculous because the prior day we just came by reserved taxi from another budgeted hotel just next to Seoul Station ! 더 보기
We had booked 2 rooms but 1 of the rooms do not have the toilet in the room, it is located outside the room where it is not convenient during winter season as the weather very cold almost freezing and we got to walk all the way out to the toilet and we had booked a snow/ski tour which turned out to be not worth the value. 더 보기
The room is very warm and clean. Feels like home. The landlord lady is very kindness. She made great Korean breakfasts. Thanks verymuch. We will definitely stay here again next time, and recommend to our friends. 더 보기
Warmest and friendly host in my Korean trip. 더 보기
House owner is very nice and helpful. 더 보기
The place suppose to be a more exclusive hanok compare to nearby place. The room is good but outdoor bathroom was not stated cleary on the booking page. Breakfast was poor in term of choice, big bowl but little porriage in there , one small side dish ( we had at least 4-6 those korea marinated side dish every where in korea ) The host is friendly but not attentive enough , cant locate any staff when neee any assistant when power tripped at night. Feel like this is express inn that no service required 더 보기
It was good experience stay in traditional house in Korea . Good location and staff able to speak English . 더 보기
Nice staff~beautiful house! 더 보기
Next to Bukchon Hanok Village in the central city The owner can speak English well and very helpful 더 보기
Easy to find, the lady there's nice and can speak fluent English. A good try to experience the Korean tradition. It's located very close to 昌德宮 and 北村 Hanok group. We've chose the Garden view room, the atmosphere's great! 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 14:00
  • 체크인 마감시간: 21:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00

교통 안내

  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 70

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 객실 수 : 5
  • 숙소 건축 연도: 1930
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2011


종로구 계동2길 7, 종로, 서울, 대한민국