이용후기 - 메이저 호텔 (Major Hotel) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 메이저 호텔 (Major Hotel)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.

편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 일본어
  • 중국어(북경어)
  • 영어
  • 중국어(광동어)


  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 경비 서비스
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 24시간 프런트 데스크
  • 엘리베이터

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 발레파킹
  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 주차장(무료)

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 무료 웰컴 드링크
  • 욕조 및 샤워실
  • 객실 내 영화(VOD)
  • 무료 인스턴트 커피
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송
  • 거울
  • 무료 차
  • 유선인터넷
  • 냉장고
  • 무선인터넷
  • 유선인터넷(무료)
  • 모닝콜 서비스
  • 방음
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 목욕 가운
  • 에어컨
  • 흡연 가능
  • 무료 생수
  • 옷 거는 행거




Everything is great except towels are old and dirty spots. There was not any complimentary cup noodle display or available at all during our stay. 더 보기
Beds were typical of Korean hotels - very hard. Staff did not speak any English so communication was a big challenge. Not very friendly at all. When I asked for a sheet for the extra bed I was given a wet sheet and no pillow at all. When I asked for a pillow I was told no. The location was hard to find and even taxi drivers could not find it. Was in a questionable part of town. 더 보기
We stayed in a Deluxe Room. For its purpose (a place to stay in Seoul for our flight the following morning), it was great. We didn't hear any noises from other rooms. The bed was decently comfortable. There are two computers, so both of us could take care of our business quickly. The bathroom has jets in the bathtub. The room has a filtered water dispenser. Check-in and check-out were highly efficient. The pitfalls deal primarily with the cleanliness. While nothing was outright disgusting, my wife was disturbed by the filth on the computer keyboards, the questionable stains on the computer seats, and the presence of a cartoon condom on a plaque next to the bed. Other disappointments were the weak air conditioner and the size of the bathtub. The two of us could fit, but not comfortably. For one person, though, it's a great tub. The subway station is not far, and neither are an assortment of restaurants. 더 보기
room was very nice but the recept wasn't very nice. 더 보기
I came here with my friends so at first i didnt expect that this hotel is gonna be like a motel or hostel? It is located so near from subway station, the receptionists were friendly (even after me and my friends lost my room card, they gave us the new card). But they couldn't talk in English. At the lobby there's a coffee machine. The room was so clean but a little bit small. The bathroom door doesnt have any key so u have to be awared whenever u're using the bathroom. The hotel's location is full with restaurant and near Hongdae district. 더 보기
We stayed for two nights. THe stay was enjoable: the room was overall clean (we could find some hair on the ground though), comfortable beds and a good bathroom. The reception was somehow rude though. Not saying a word and always looking at you like she doesnt want to work. Otherwise a really good hotel for this price class. 더 보기
good,With pear University and Hong Univesity are very close 더 보기
매우 좋음
酒店房間較小, 但裝修不錯 可以加床, 雙人能住3人, 很多其他酒店都不能加的, 但加了後房間更小 服務員服務態度普通, 不差但也不是很殷勤, 而且只能聽和說很簡單的英語, 但問題不大,因為我沒有什麼事找過他們 新村站對遊客來說算是挺方便的(當然也不算是最方便的), 去很多地方都不太遠 더 보기
地點於新村站走路3分鐘,本來預定兩天臨時於前天取消一天,飯店願意讓我們取消~非常的感謝!!^^房間設施媲美五星級飯店~什麻都不用帶洗髮精到乳液都有!!指示下午櫃台女服務生很有名的臉很臭~希望行李可以寄放櫃台,還差點被拒絕~!!不會韓文朋友要有心理準備~ 더 보기
매우 좋음
最初は不安でしたが、スタッフの対応も良かったです。チェックインできる時間がホテルの都合で遅く、年齢がいっていて少し体が弱い人を連れていたため少し不便さを感じたとの事でした。全体的に大丈夫でした。 더 보기
新村駅からも、歩いていける距離で、立地もなかなか。部屋もきれいで広く、ジュース、水等の無料サービスもあり。水回りもきれいで、気に入りました。ちょっと、受付時に、もたつきはあったものの、気になるほどのレベルではなく、フロントの対応もなかなか。また泊まりたいホテルですね。 더 보기
当我们出示在agoda上预定成功的预订单时,前台看不懂订单说无法办理入住,英文基本无法沟通,等了半个多小时,酒店找了个懂中文的电话联系,终于说清楚了。房间很袖珍,有些郁闷的经历 더 보기
酒店離捷運站近,走路約5分鐘,設備也不錯,但隔音設備不太好,且服務人員聽不太懂中文及英文,所以溝通有點障礙,需重覆說明所需服務!但就此次住宿經驗是滿意的! 더 보기
優點=>地理位置真的很好, 離地鐵站5分鐘左右的路程且周圍有小商區可以逛, 吃的也很多很好吃, VIP房型的房間大小很適中, 房間的隔音也不錯(除非站在房間門口外大聲喧嘩不然幾乎聽不到走廊及其他房間的聲音), 房內床墊軟硬度屬中等偏硬, 房內有提供電腦可以使用且無線網路很快速. 缺點=>房間內冷氣很吵很大聲且沒有遙控器可以調整所以房內溫度偏低, 房內只提供1條大毛巾(因為是2個人去住所以有1人只能使用小毛巾), 服務人員的英語能力非常的有限所以不會說韓語的人真的要有心理準備, 淋浴沒有單獨隔間. 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 20:00
  • 체크인 마감시간: 22:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 13:00

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 층수: 9
  • 총 객실 수 : 53
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2010


마포구, 노고산동, 109-62, 신촌, 서울, 대한민국