이용후기 - 마마 게스트하우스 - 여성전용 (Mama Guesthouse Female Only) @ Daegu

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 마마 게스트하우스 - 여성전용 (Mama Guesthouse Female Only)의Daegu. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

출입/접근 서비스

  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 공항 이동 교통편 서비스

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • 공용 욕실
  • 다림질 도구
  • 무선인터넷
  • 난방
  • 무료 생수
  • 에어컨




I had a delightful stay at the Mama Guesthouse. The house is in a quiet neighborhood; the room, although a little tightly-packed with beds, was well-kept; and the hostess was very sweet. She speaks only a little English, but if she needs to she pulls out her smart phone and uses a translator. The bathroom facilities are adequate, though I couldn’t figure out how to work the shower. (There’s only a faucet on the floor with a shower nozzle attached; without the shower I sort of crouched down to rinse my hair under the water.) Most of all, I was pleasantly surprised by the full breakfast: toast, eggs, coffee, a hot dog, part of an apple, and a glass of milk. For an overnight stay like the one I had, it was perfect. My only complaint is that the information about the guest house listed on Agoda is completely false. The map makes it look as though this guesthouse is located near the Jungangno station on the red line. In reality, the Mama Guesthouse is about a ten-minute walk from the Myeongdeok station, which is one station south of Banwoldang on the red line. Get out at exit 2 and stay on the left-hand side of the street heading straight (East) from the exit. You’ll be following the route of the blue line (currently under construction). You’ll reach a large intersection. Keep going straight on the side of the road where you were. At this point, you’ll pass a station on the blue line. At the end of this block, on the side of the road where you are walking, is a church. Immediately BEFORE that church is a small alley. The Mama Guesthouse is down that alley, marked with a small yellow sign. Ring the doorbell at the gate. There will be a bus stop right just past this alley, next to the church. The stop is called Daebong Cheonju Church (대봉천주교회). It looks like buses 400, 402, 509, 704, and 730 all ride to this stop. When the blue train line is finished, the Mama Guesthouse will be a two-minute walk away from one of these blue line stations. 더 보기
很喜欢这家GUESThouse,女主人虽然英语一般,但是很努力的在沟通。每次回guesthouse,总会提供咖啡或茶,是新鲜炮制非速溶性。位置不靠近地铁,但是地铁明德站2号出口一直走15分钟也可以到达,第一次不好找,但是知道位置之后还是很方便出行的,有很多公交线路通往。 和女主人聊天得知入住率一般,一个月会有5名左右的客人,所以经常是VIP的待遇(一人独享)。 房间很舒适,4人宿舍的床也够宽,洗浴间和厨房各一个,客厅里电视可以自由使用。 周围是居民区,非常的安静,对于喜欢安静的女性旅客是非常好的选择。 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 16:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간: 23:00

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 객실 수 : 3


대구광역시 중구 대봉2동 174-9, 대구시내, 대구, 대한민국, 700-432