이용후기 - 미스터 킴즈 프렌즈 게스트하우스 (Mr. Kim's Friends Guesthouse) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 미스터 킴즈 프렌즈 게스트하우스 (Mr. Kim's Friends Guesthouse)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.

편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 일본어
  • 터키어
  • 영어
  • 중국어(광동어)
  • 포르투갈어
  • 우크라이나어
  • 중국어(북경어)
  • 프랑스어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 엘리베이터


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 여행 안내소
  • 온수 욕조

수영 및 목욕 시설

  • 온천

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방
  • 바비큐(BBQ) 시설

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 도서관
  • 세탁 서비스
  • 익스프레스 체크인/체크아웃
  • 드라이클리닝
  • 안전 금고
  • 컨시어지
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 패밀리룸

육상 스포츠

  • 골프장(3 km 이내)

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 주차장(무료)

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • 금연
  • 무선인터넷
  • 무료 생수
  • 에어컨




매우 좋음
좋아요:) 다음에 또 서울 들리게 된다면 여기 들려야겠어요~ 더 보기
I had a great time . The staff is really friendly and every guest too :p had a great time . You can live korean night life at it's fullest ! Enjoy 더 보기
It was great. I've been there five times now in the last five months and will be staying there again soon. 더 보기
my stay with Mr Kim's was pleasant. My flight reaches Incheon 10:30pm and after arrival, we reached Mr Kim's around 12am. Mr Kim's staff waited for us to check in and showed us our room before they rested for the night. In addition, staff was helpful in giving assistance when we needed. She also gave us suggestions on where should we go on NYE for countdown. Lovely and enjoyable stay! 더 보기
The hostel is very centrally located inside Hongdae within walking distance to the Airport Train line (costs 3500 won), or airport shuttle bus (costs 10000 won, both of which take about 40 mins to get to the airport. It is also a 3-4 minute walk away from the main clubbing and bar areas in Hongdae. It is a great place to meet fellow backpackers, party the night away and basically use as a base to explore Seoul. There is a C U store (convenience store) right next to the hostel making it very convenient. 더 보기
Great hostel! It's within a few minute walk to the central Hongdae area with tons of shops, great international restaurants (we found a few italian restaurants that were worth the visit), and fun bars (just watch out for the Koreans only bars, they won't let in Waygooks. Nothing like a little old fashion racism). It's also about a 5 minute walk to the subway station which will take you anywhere in Seoul very quickly. It's about 15-20 min on the subway to Seoul Station. We stayed in a private double. We booked a double ensuite on agoda but it wasn't available when we arrived so the hostel gave us cash back at check-in for the difference and was very apologetic. We also were there over a holiday weekend. The hostel and room were both very clean and comfortable. The bed was one of the most comfortable I've slept in since moving to Korea. We had a dozen friends staying in the dorm rooms, they were nice as well but the beds were standard dorm beds, definitely nothing special. Overall, I would absolutely stay here again and highly recommend it. 더 보기
I have stayed there every single time I've made an overnight trip to Hongdae and am very satisfied with the service. Mr Kim is friendly and his staff are always helpful. It's not 5 star accommodation but you get exactly what you pay for; a clean bed and bathroom. I highly recommend Mr Kim's for anyone looking for a place to stay in Hongdae. 더 보기
I booked a night here through Agoda - when I arrived I was told that it was actually full, but they let me use a bed (all I cared about Friday night in Seoul) in a common area and offered to give me a refund, which I appreciated. Like many places in Korea, you have to take off your shoes before entering... however, here you will leave them in a sheltered space right outside the front door that is covered in bits of melting ice and crowded with shoes. So your shoes will be freezing cold in the morning, and you will also probably get your socks wet trying to get them on/off. You've been warned. 더 보기
I booked a bit over a month in advance and confirmed by email as requested. However upon arrival there was no booking recorded for us. Upon showing the email she commented that it was over a month ago and so the booking would have been deleted as she wasn't sure if we were coming. 더 보기
I booked a bit over a month in advance and confirmed by email as requested. However upon arrival there was no booking recorded for us. Upon showing (the owner) the email she commented that it was over a month ago and so the booking would have been deleted as she wasn't sure if we were coming. 더 보기
民宿的管理是外國學生,只會說英文不會說韓文、中文 他們連房間的鑰匙也不知道放在哪裡,還要找很久 就連分配床位管理的工讀生竟然也不知道哪張床是空的,哪張床是有人睡的 害我還很不好意思的睡到別人的床 它總共有兩間民宿,我不幸睡到大樓內的那間浴室髒亂不說,還沒有熱水 我想要不是它開在弘大我也不會去住 더 보기
住宿的地點與地圖上的有一點不同,地址也不好找;到了住宿地點一進去就看到客廳中擺一張床有點嚇了一跳,我訂的是單人住的DOUBLE ROOM,房間燈光有點昏暗,需與其他房間的房客共用浴室,毛巾也是要到外面拿洗好堆放的毛巾使用,加上有很多自由行的外國人,大家都很隨性的穿著短褲在客廳、房間走來走去,對單身的女性一個人來說會有點令人擔心安全性。 後來要拿房間鑰匙時,發現有重複訂房的狀況,負責人金先生很客氣表示願意退錢並詢問我是否願意改住八人房的宿舍,我本來就安排了後續的行程,為避免困擾和時間衝突而答應改房間,當我傍晚回到房間,金先生告訴我幫我問到了另一個Guesthouse的房間,並協助我移到另一個Mint Guesthouse,房間乾淨許多、房客也比較單純,只是離地鐵出口再更遠一點。 더 보기
ホンデの駅から近く、立地もとても良かった。料金も非常に安くて、宿泊代にそんなにお金をかけたくなかったので、とても料金的には良かった。 ただ、安かった分、ゲストハウスの環境などはあまり良くなかった。ネットで見られる写真とは、ほとんど違い、イメージと違っていた。バスルームも共有で、フロアに一つしかなかったので、利用できない時もあった。 ただ、必要最低限の施設は整っているので、一泊だけの滞在で安く抑えようと考えている場合は、妥当な内容だと思う。一泊だけ泊まる場所が欲しい時には、いいのではないかと思う。 더 보기
ツインの部屋を予約しましたが初日はダブルの部屋に案内されました。 二日目以降はツインに移れることになりましたが環境が悪く(湿度が高くエアコンが効かない、虫がよく出る等)元々のダブルの部屋はずっと空いているようだったので結局ダブルの部屋に最後まで宿泊しました。 テレビは本館のリビングにしか設置されていません。シャワールームも全て共用です。個室にはベッドしかないので記載されていた情報とは違います。また、レートの関係で値段が某サイトの方が安くなることもあります。(情報もそちらの方が正しいです) 唯一おすすめできるのは立地が最高な点。 インターネットも問題なく利用できます。 더 보기
2泊したが、チェックインしたとき以外スタッフが宿にいなくて、聞きたいことがある場合やチェックアウトの際に不便だった。部屋はベッドがあるのみで広くないが、暖房はちゃんと効き清潔度はまあまあ。 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 14:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 12:00

교통 안내

  • 도심까지의 거리: 1.0 km
  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 40

숙소 일반 정보

  • 금연 객실/층: YES
  • 총 객실 수 : 10
  • 객실 전압(V): 220


마포구 서교동 446-7, 홍대, 서울, 대한민국