이용후기 - 피카소 모텔 (Picasso Motel) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 피카소 모텔 (Picasso Motel)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 룸서비스(24시간)

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 흡연 구역

출입/접근 서비스

  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 미니바
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송
  • 공용 욕실
  • 샤워실
  • 유선인터넷(무료)
  • 냉장고
  • 선풍기
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 목욕 가운
  • 에어컨
  • 휴식 공간
  • 무료 생수
  • 욕조




This is a basic love hotel. It is a bit long in the tooth. Bathroom was old. Poor value for money, especially on weekends when rates are higher. 더 보기
The Picasso has probably seen better days but I would call it a charming love motel. The location is in a small alley off the "Jongno Food Street". The whole area is definitely nightlife oriented with a lot of restaurants, bars and motels around but my room was away from the street and I heard nothing at all. The Picasso is run by two ladies, both don´t speak much English but they were friendly and one of them very helpful when I thought my bathroom light was not working (I had not noticed that all the lights were centrally controlled). I had booked one night and ended up staying four nights because it was a very good base to explore Seoul. 더 보기
Not for family travel; hotel is surrounded by sleazy massage parlors. 더 보기
My husband and I have been in Korea for two years. We have stayed at numerous hotels throughout the country. It is difficult to find a nice budget hotel in Seoul. We booked the Picasso on our last weekend before we left for home. We were so upset that we didn't find this place sooner. The staff bent over backwards to help us and made sure everything was in order. I don't think they see a lot of internet bookings due to their cheap price and the fact that they are a "Love Motel." Budget travelers should not be intimidated by this. Korea is an amazingly safe country and even the somewhat seedy areas are perfectly safe for tourists. Every foreigner that we know of in Korea uses "Love Motels" as a budget accommodation. If we ever return to Seoul, we know where we will stay. What Picasso Motel lacks in flash of fancy hotels, they make up for in price, location, and nice staff. Every room has a computer with internet, air con, and a flat screen tv. It is located in the very popular Insadong neighborhood around the corner from the subway stop. It is very easy to navigate the city from here. I don't usually leave reviews at all but felt this hotel deserved a special shout out! Enjoy your time in Seoul! 더 보기
매우 좋음
Although it is a little hard to find when we first arrived. Hotel is located just in the heart of Seoul where everything is closes by. If you are a good walker, then every place can be reached on foot. Hotel staffs are friendly. Although they having a bit difficulty understanding English, good thing is they are trying to understand you. 더 보기
Clean bedsheet , defective PC but with complimentary high speed WIFI, free PC access at cafe nearby, water dispenser each room, only Korean sepaking staffs, good and affordable local food 더 보기
the hotel i very difficult to allocate. the sign board is no way seem from the street. 더 보기
i would not advise staying here. whilst the location is ideal, the rooms are very poor and you would get better value staying in other hotels in the surrounding area. 더 보기
hotel room was fine.near to subway(5 mins walking).subway name is jong no sam ga which is interchange terminal for 3 subway line. 더 보기
the only problem i had was a communication issue...the son spoke english but the other workers didn't but...they were friendly. i knew when i book this place what i was getting into...i want to connect to the people and for me it was great. the place was hard to find and i had to have someone from the airport to go on-line to get me the phone number to call in because my plane was late on arriving. you got to get to this place before 8:00pm! 더 보기
The location of this hotel is quite nice. It's walking distance to many authentic Korean restaurants with very reasonable prices. The subway station is less than a five minute walk. There are also several shops and pubs around the area. So it can get a bit noisy at night especially on weekends, as far as safety is concerned walking back to your hotel at night, well Seoul is practically a really safe city with several police officers patrolling in many areas. Room and hotel ameneties are adequate. The price you pay is worth it. 더 보기
Difficult to locate as the signage is not face the access street. The room and management is old and with odour. Have to take key and keep key at counter. The reception service need improve and I can't communication with English. I will not back this Motel next time. Anyway, the rent is low and traffic is easy. 더 보기
是次是我們第二次入住此酒店. 我們目的是到東大門批貨, 選此酒店因為一般情況下東大門酒店是很容易爆滿而且貴. 而這酒店是鄰近東大門, 晚上批貨後乘的士回去只需大概HKD40. 而白天出發步行5分鐘就到鐘路三街鐵路站. 第一次入住此酒店後覺得用這價錢住這種motel是"不過不失", 因為本身已經沒有什麼期望. 入了酒店後,老板娘雖然只會說一般英語,而且完全不會理解你的英語. 但我們加點身體語言, 她也會很努力去理解. 但是次經驗有兩點令我們不會再光顧的. 1)在床尾的櫃上發現活的甴曱, 幸好他逃的慢.及時把牠殺掉 2)老板娘把我們帶到極亂的房間,然後有點不好意思地叫我們先放下行利,出去走一圈回來便好.一小時後我們回來,她發現鎖匙不見了,然後給我們後備匙,真的多危險! 더 보기
是次是第一次入住此酒店. 我們主要目的是到東大門批貨, 已閱其他評語才訂, 沒有抱著任何期望. 訂此酒店原因是價錢便宜而且就近東大門 晚上乘的士回去只要HKD40,而且用普通話跟的士司機說"鐘路三街"就行(因為普通話跟韓文的"鐘路三街"說法非常相似) 我們第一晚是沒有訂酒店的,因為第一晚批發通宵,打算第二朝他們可以早點給我們check in, 但老板娘說一定要中午二時. 由於太累, 我們用盡肢體語言(因為他們實在不會明白一點點英語)跟老板娘說我們會付錢, 讓我們睡幾個小時. 我們付了韓元三萬, 她先帶我們到"時鐘"房間, 然後說兩點後給我們換個"standard room". 進去後發現十分不乾淨, 洗手間是濕濕的, 梳子留著大量別人的頭髮. 害我們衫都沒換先直接睡一回. 中午兩點老板娘給我們換了樓層高一點的standard room, 內飾跟"時鐘"房間差不多, 只是細一點, 但感覺比前者好,是因為比較乾淨, 至少梳子沒有別人的頭髮. 房間是有電腦及wi-fi, 電腦很慢但能用. 而wi-fi 算是ok 的. 但最後一天電腦及wi-fi都上不到網, 而且坐厠塞了. 掛衣的勾子也跌下來. 順帶一提, 因為這家是韓國人的love hotel, 而且位於比較隱蔽的窄巷而且晚上附近會有很多醉酒漢. 我們認為是不太適合單身女子入住. 더 보기
飯店地理位置很好,鄰近三條地鐵線站,到哪都滿近的!附近賓館多,稍複雜,有點髒亂!(若是單身女性就自己稍微小心一點,二人以上應該就沒問題~)但吃晚餐.消夜方便,附近的店都開滿晚的,超商也多!近仁寺洞,散步就可到!相較之下個人覺得價錢是有一點點貴,但還可接受!老闆不會英文有點小小麻煩,但態度良好,有反映問題他會馬上處理(如果他懂你意思的話~)! 더 보기
這次去韓國主要是批發,批發時間都是凌晨才會結束,所以不會有公車跟快捷可以坐了~只能坐計程車~比較誇張的是~拿了地址給計程車司機看~竟然找不到@@~超級傻眼的啦~不過要坐快捷去其他地方都很方便~因為是大站~所以很多條路線可以選擇~單純去玩的非常推介~但如果是批發的話~就算了吧~~~ 더 보기
本人選擇入住Picasso Motel,住完後覺得這個選擇真的是沒有錯。當初選擇這間酒店的原因是只是因為鄰近我需要工作地方,但萬萬沒有想隨該酒店的服務是如此良好。 Picasso Motel鄰近市區,但景觀十分開揚;另外,酒店外觀與網站上所列視的圖片是一樣的,見到後,就已經覺得我當初的選擇一定沒有錯。當我提著行李箱進入酒店大 堂,各個職員均以真摰的笑容歡迎我,令我有一種回到了家的感覺,每每出外工作或遊玩時,總喜歡把榻下的酒店稱為「家」,因為有了家才有舒服的感覺;而Picasso Motel正正符合了我這個要求。累了就想回家,而這個家就是Picasso Motel,因為它帶給了我「家」的感覺。 環境衛生往往都是旅客的必要條件,當然我也不例外,我對衛生的條件是十分重視的,不能有異味,不能有小昆蟲出現,不能骯髒等。Picasso Motel能達到,而且令我非常滿意。 經過今次的住宿體驗後,令我喜歡上了這間酒店,有機會一定會再度入住,另外房間裡的床給了我舒適的睡眠,雖然今次出外也是有些許不習慣,但是我能安心入眠,這樣令我的身體及精神能 夠得以放鬆,亦令我減少了很多平日上積累已久的煩惱,能夠得此舒暢的心境,也是多得Picasso Motel。 最後,要退房的時間,酒店人員都很樂意回答我的提問,而且他們亦很開心我對於他們服務的支持。我是十分推薦這間酒店給任何人士,無論你是自己出外,結伴出外;是遊玩或公幹,Picasso Motel也是你的選擇。 더 보기
櫃台服務人員是老先生老太太,語言可能略成問題。 基本上都與網頁上介紹的相同。 不過第一晚的房間沒有浴缸,第二晚就換了另外一間。 每間房間的設備略有不同,第一晚的電腦很好用,但網路電視卻壞了。 第二晚則是電腦設備略為老舊,但網路電視是好的。 雖然是戀人旅店人口出入較為複雜,但櫃台人員24小時值班,安全性能是足夠的。 더 보기
3泊しましたが、掃除をしてくれません。 2日目に直接お願いして、やってもらいましたが、 3日目もしてもらえなかった。 すぐに寝たかったので、バスタオルだけもらいましたが、 掃除しないって最低w フロントのおばさんはいい人だったけど。 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 14:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 00:00

교통 안내

  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 60

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 층수: 7
  • 총 객실 수 : 29
  • 객실 전압(V): 220


종로구 낙원동 161번지, 종로, 서울, 대한민국