이용후기 - 파이 관광호텔 (Pi Tourist Hotel) @ Incheon

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 파이 관광호텔 (Pi Tourist Hotel)의Incheon. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 엘리베이터


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 24시간 프런트 데스크
  • 익스프레스 체크인/체크아웃
  • 환전
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 컨시어지
  • 흡연 구역
  • 안전 금고
  • 현금 인출기

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 발레파킹
  • 숙소 내 주차장

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 선풍기
  • 유선인터넷(무료)
  • 객실 내 영화(VOD)
  • 에어컨
  • 책상
  • 냉장고
  • 욕조
  • 커피/티 메이커
  • 목욕 가운
  • 월풀 욕조
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 무료 생수
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송
  • 발코니/테라스
  • 유선인터넷




It s truely value for money. I had some business meetings around this city.This area is not for tourists or stopovers. It's far away from Airport and not much to see. I liked the room.It was nice clean and had a nice balcony. The stuff cant speak English which was not important for me. I didnt checked breakfast. I saw some nightlife around but didnt check what's going on. 더 보기
This hotel rooms are packed with gadgets/features but they are a bit hard to use given the instructions are only in Korean. The place is a funny novel place that seems like a 'love hotel'. It's a bit hard to get to using public transport and is also in need of a good clean but I'm glad we stayed here. 더 보기
train station 7 minutes away from the hotel, if you are looking for food you may take a long walking distance to the restaurant. for man i will say they are love this place. 더 보기
This is not a hotel for an inexperienced, non-Korean speaking person. They spoke no English, nor did anyone else in the entire neighborhood. In fact, I did not see one single western face in the 30 hours I was there. 더 보기
the room was great, the location was decent, a little dificult to find even my cab driver could not find it. not really meant for a solo traveler, couples would be better. large open room with a large open bathroom. overall very nice, but to much for a single person 더 보기
Located near Ganseogogeori subway station at Incheon. it is quite far from Seoul City.Suitable for couple not bringing children. Plenty of eating places surrounding the hotel.The room provides 52" LCD TV, Laptop with complimentary high speed Lan ,Big Jacuzzi Bathtub and Showers room. Hot and cold water dispenser and refrigerator were provided with some free canned drinks.I enjoy very much. 더 보기
Pi hotel is a bit of a strange place. It's a love hotel, as are most cheap hotels in korea, so don't let that put you off really... In some regards it seems quite lavish, like big tvs, a big jacuzzi bath in the middle of your room etc, and in others it's a bit nasty, the room wasn't super clean, everything seemed a bit dated etc. I can't really say anything particularly negative about pi hotel, but I probably wouldn't recommend it either. The staff were helpful in showing us where to go. The location is not great, but I guess you must have a reason to be staying in incheon in the first place if you're looking here. 더 보기
매우 좋음
Had a comfortable and fun stay. We had the most fun (and a little frustration) fiddling with the in-room amenities (there's even a little sauna!) and gadgetry. There's a touchscreen to control the lights and TV among other things. But it can be a hassle if you can't read Korean, as all the controls are in Korean. We had to call a staff in to orientate us first. If you look closely though, the furnishing is showing signs of wear. Some of the cabinet veneers are peeling. The location is great -- close to the subway station, and a couple of convenience stores. 더 보기
Not exactly close to the subway, but its still within walking distance. I hand-drew a map and took about 10mins to walk to the hotel. Staffs are very friendly and helpful. Plenty of drinks are refilled daily in the fridge. Complete amenities in the room. Comes with a laptop in the room as well. But took me a while to understand the remotes as English is non-existence. High-tech room. 더 보기
when i first arrived the city, most of the taxi driver refused to bring me there and said they didn't know about the hotel. after asking fews taxi, finally a taxi driver said he could use gps to help us. this was my very first time that taxi refused to fetch customers because of the location which is unbelievable! when i reached the hotel, the road to the hotel is really small and inconvenient for cars to drive in. other than that, the hotel is actually quite good, the service, room. plus, i have to take taxi to dongam subway station, which is really annoying. 더 보기
the room was nice, pleanty of in room extras, only down fall i i cant read korean and the stunning bed was somewhat stiff. 더 보기
i like the room facilities including the whirlpool bathtub, sauna and daily refreshments they provided and its free of charge inside the personal ref. I would definitely go back to this hotel since i love to explore south korea again. Some front desk staff able to speak and understand English. 더 보기
飯店距離地鐵站約15分鐘,但因為為在巷弄裡面,第一次去的人會不容易找到位置;飯店為標準的韓式Motel,沒有早餐, 但優點房間非常的大且適合情侶居住,並且飯店方圓五分鐘步行的距離有許多餐館,可以就近解決吃的問題 더 보기
トイレの詰まりがあったり、入口扉のカギロックがかからなかったりと滞在中に故障が数回ありましたが、スタッフの対応がとても良かったので満足です。ラブホテルというだけ室内灯が暗いのですが、お部屋が広いので過ごしやすかったです。 더 보기
매우 좋음
日本で言うラブホであり、ホテル街(ラブホ)にあります。 でももちろん一人でもOKです。 長所:とにかく部屋が奇麗 この価格でこの部屋はすばらしい。 サウナまでついています。文句なしの☆5!! ホテル近辺:駅から徒歩3分程度。ミニストップが近くにあり 遅くまでやっているレストランもあり。 短所:ロケーション とにかく場所は悪いです。 インチョン空港から2時間近くかかります(リムジンバス) 途中駅であり、降りる人はほとんどいないので要注意(バス) 電車でも行けますが乗り換えがあるためバスを勧められました(空港の職員) タクシーで5分くらいのところにロッテデパートがありますが 小さいです・・・。地元の人向け 結論:短期旅行で使うべきではないです・・・ コスパはすばらしくいいのでこの近くに出張や友達が住んでいるなどの 理由があればいいですが・・・。 더 보기
L'hôtel Pi est vraiment à part. Perdu dans la ville-dortoir d'Incheon, "près" de Séoul, on se demande presque ce qu'on est venu faire là. La localisation n'est pas avantageuse car trop loin pour des visites à Séoul. Le seul avantage serait d'être plus ou moins proche de l'aéroport (compter 40000 Won pour le taxi). De plus, l'hôtel Pi est perdu dans un quartier chaud, au milieu d'autres motels dédiés à une clientèle... de passage. Et avec du recul on peut en conclure que c'est un hotel hybride, entre le "love hotel" et un hotel plus classique. Néanmoins, il n'est qu'à recommander qu'aux voyageurs seuls ou aux couples, du fait de l'aménagement de la chambre qui peuvent déplaire aux plus pudiques. En ayant en tête ces inconvénients, le prix était réellement ridiculement bas pour une chambre de cette taille et de cette qualité. Très bon lit, une grande TV, une TV "miroir" qu'on peut regarder en prenant un bain, une belle douche avec des produits de marque, même un balcon, mais dont je n'ai pas pu profiter, car il faisait un peu froid dehors (-20°C)... Pour résumer l'hotel Pi est un très bon hôtel de passage ou de transit, mais pour du séjour de longue durée, passez votre chemin... 더 보기
schönes haus aus edlem naturstein. luxuriöses zimmer mit whirlpool mitten drinn und mit rundbett. mit extra schminktisch, mit pc-tisch mit laptop und internet frei. mit 2-personendusche. große getönte fenster mit balkon. bedienung von licht, klima roomservice über touchscreen. gratis kondome auf dem zimmer. üblicherweise haben diese art von hotels in korea die bezeichnung "motel". mit tiefgarage. für paare alles prima. nachteile: lage in enger gasse neben anderen bunten motels, kein schrank für kleidung im zimmer, eher nicht für kinder gedacht. 더 보기
仁川的市中心不大,酒店位置还算方便,就是转车去首尔有点麻烦 酒店的设施还是属于很不错的,厕所很干净,床也蛮舒服的~ 对于不到60000w的价格定到这样的酒店,性价比还是很不错的 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 15:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 12:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 층수: 7
  • 총 객실 수 : 65
  • 객실 전압(V): 220
  • 숙소 건축 연도: 2009


남동구 간석동 169-3, 남동구, 인천, 대한민국