이용후기 - SH 게스트하우스 (SH Guest House) @ Yongin Si

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 SH 게스트하우스 (SH Guest House)의Yongin Si. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


근처 명소

편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 영어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 엘리베이터


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 세탁 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 무료 생수
  • 책상
  • 공용 욕실
  • 세탁물 건조대
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 금연
  • 에어컨
  • 휴식 공간
  • 난방
  • 유선인터넷(무료)




The SH Guesthouse is a really great place, mainly because of the two lovely owners(a Korean married couple. The biggest downside of this guesthouse is the location.I stayed here with my husband because it's close to the Giheung (기흥)subway station--the first stop on the Everline which takes you out to Everland.We stayed for three nights and planned to visit Everland and Caribbean Bay on two different days. Though the guesthouse is in Yongin and near Giheung station, it is not really close enough to walk. Also, the guesthouse is not located in a very happening area. It's a little run-down around it.Seems like a poor and slightly seedy area. However,our kind and friendly hosts gladly gave us pick up and drop off rides to the station so that we could easily come and go without worry and without the hassle of finding a cab and explaining directions. On one day,it rained too much to go to Caribbean Bay,so we stayed around the guesthouse most of the day. There are some shops nearby.There is a juk place and some other restaurants, as well as a cute tiny coffee/beer takeout shop. During the day, we had plenty to do at the guesthouse. We played pool (the table is brand new but a little uneven.) and Wii and read books. There are also computers to use and wifi. The owners are good at giving you your own space or spending time chatting with you, depending on what you'd like to do. We had some great talks with them and thoroughly enjoyed our time. The breakfast is simple but great! There's actual coffee made in a coffee-maker! Fried eggs, toast with butter and jam, and some fruit. There's a nice kitchen if you want to make some food or just store stuff in the fridge. Honestly, the biggest downside to the place, besides slightly inconvenient location, is the beds. They are very firm mattresses and it was hard to have a good night's sleep on them. But, due to all the other upsides, I don't regret our stay there at all. I'd like to return sometime with a group of friends! 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 15:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간: 00:00

숙소 일반 정보

  • 바(Bar)/라운지 수: 0
  • 총 층수: 0
  • 레스토랑 수: 0
  • 총 객실 수 : 3
  • 숙소 건축 연도: 0
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 0


경기도 용인시 기흥구 신갈로 96번지 21 4층 (용인시 기흥구 신갈동 42-39) , 기흥구, 용인, 대한민국, 446-596