이용후기 - 소호스텔 코리아 (Sohostel Korea) @ Busan

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 소호스텔 코리아 (Sohostel Korea)의Busan. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어
  • 영어
  • 일본어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

피트니스 및 레크리에이션

  • 오락실

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 공용 주방

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 금연 숙소
  • 세탁 서비스
  • 흡연 구역
  • 빨래방/셀프서비스 세탁실
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 경비 서비스
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • 금연
  • 라커/개인 물품 보관함
  • 무료 생수
  • 난방
  • 마룻바닥
  • 에어컨




이렇게 깔끔한 호스텔이 있어서 깜놀 손님들의 마음을 이해해준 주인이 있어서 깜놀 마지막 날에 박하사탕까지 받아서 기분이 짱 좋았어요 이제 부산에 묵으면 소호스텔이에요~*^^* 더 보기
이용자들의 의식수준이 떨어지는게 문제라면 문제겠네요. 들어오고 나가는데 문을 사정없이 꽝꽝닫고 다니고 공용복도에서 노래를 부르지를 않나. 체크인시에 이용객들에게 문닫는소리나 소음발생에 대해 주의를 주는게 좋을꺼같습니다. 더 보기
부산에 출장으로 인해 급하게 잡은 게하인데 호텔보다 더 깔끔한 시설에 대만족합니다. 다음에도 들를 수 있다면 재방문하겠습니다. 친절한 직원분들도 감사합니다! 부산역에서 정말 가깝고 조식은 못먹어봐서 아쉽네요^^ 더 보기
일단 너무 깔끔해요. 게스트하우스들 특히 도미토리 엉망인데 많은데 청소를 진짜 열심히하시나보다 싶을정도로 깔끔해서 마음에 들었어요. 숙소에서 종일 놀아도 될 것 같은 책이나 게임기도 있고.. 위치는 부산역에서 금방이라 위치도 좋았구요. 만족입니다. 더 보기
직원분 다 너무 친절하시고 설명도 잘해주시고 방 상태도 좋았음 샤워실이 방마다 있는 게 아니라 조금 불편했지만 이거 외에는 다 만족~ 더 보기
Excellent location by the Busan Station if you're in transit. Very clean. Veronica, Steve, and Soo made the stay a special one. Their hospitality, friendliness, and fun nature made me feel like I was at a friend or family member's house instead of a hostel. Absolutely would return and recommend to other people. 감사합니다 !!! 더 보기
Wonderful hostel! Clean, smells great, cosy and helpful and caring staff. Was pleasantly surprised when one of the owners thoughtfully passed me some snacks to go before my long flight back home, was a joy to stay at and will definitely stay again when I visit Busan 더 보기
This was my first time in Busan and I wanted a place that was reasonably priced, but still accessible to public transportation and basic amenities (convenience stores and restaurants) and Sohostel seemed to tick all of these boxes. I absolutely adored it here--the lovely ladies who run Sohostel are so sweet and kind, they really take the time to help you out if you have concerns and questions, I also had fun chatting with them during the times I would run into them in the public areas. The hostel is also very very clean and I slept so well in my shared 2-person room (my roomie actually was only there for one day). They even made sure to take note of my request for a lower bunk because of the nerve damage in my right leg. I think the one thing that new to hostel travelers might find odd are the shower rooms, which are divided by frosted glass and shower curtains only. I was fine with this since this is not unusual in South Korea and it's not as if there aren't any partitions at all. 더 보기
Great staff and very clean all the time! It’s a bit otaku as well. Lots of anime, mangas and videogames. Nobody has to be bored at this place. Great to get around in the city as well. 더 보기
This hostel is not even 5 minutes walking distance from Busan Station. You can walk to Choryang Market (10 minutes) from here to find a variety of food and souvenirs. 3 stations away from Nampo-dong. Minus the excellent location, the hospitality is par excellence. The staff prepared traditional breakfast for us three for Lunar New Year and invited us to eat with them. Front desk speaks English/Korean and Japanese - no communication problems! Room is PRISTINE with high speed WiFi and super quiet. All amenities are provided. Great shower and make up room. Free, fresh, clean towels everyday. Only complaint is that the water pressure is really weak so showering takes a long time (which can be painful in this cold weather). Overall an excellent stay and we will DEFINITELY come back here again! Highly recommended for groups of friends, couples and solo travelers alike! 더 보기
the location is only 5-10 minutes walk from Busan Station and there’s convenience store near here. the room and bathroom is clean. the most important, staff is very friendly and helpful! the cons is only that i have to go to another floor for shower. but it’s not a big problem! overall I really love staying in here! thankyou so much Sohostel for ur great hospitality!!! definitely will stay here again if I’m going to Busan! ❤️ 더 보기
地點由八號出口步行5分鐘左右可以抵達 離機場大巴也只需不到10分鐘的時間 附近有CS跟麥當勞 還有一間排隊名店的豬肉湯飯的樣子 設備新 合宿房空間也夠 對於短期旅行很夠 床邊就有插座 但沒有小夜燈 晚上熄燈後會不太方便 沐浴間外是化妝洗臉台 有提供洗面乳跟簡單保養品 護髮等等 Special thanks to the staff who could speak fluent English-Veronica. She provided me the pressure sock to smooth my ankle which i fell down accidentally upon arrival to Busan ㅠㅠ Once again,thanks for the hospitality and absolutely will stay here again. 더 보기
スタッフの若い女性がとても綺麗な日本語を話す親切な方でした。もう一人のアジュンマも英語は話せました。 お薦めのレストランを聞いたところ、タブレットを持ってきて教えてくれたり、ソファーでボケーっとしてたらお菓子をくれたり、何かと親切にして頂きました。私自身は何も聞かなかったけど、おそらくは観光に関してもアドバイスとかしてくれんじゃないかな。初めてに行く時は、釜山駅を背に、大通りを右方向に1ブロック、マクドナルドで右折してすぐの十字路にGHの入ってるビルが簡単に見つかると思います。1/Fは韓国料理屋さんです。機会があればまた利用したいです。 더 보기
釜山駅から近く、日本語の出来るスタッフがいて、なんでも気持ちよく調べて教えてくれました。おかげで、初めて梅の花を見に行けました^_^ 더 보기
员工很热情,我早上四点退房,她也早起等着我,我手机出问题也帮我一起想办法解决。唯一不足的是洗澡要换楼层,而楼层外非常冷,而房间内是地暖装置,由于我不知道 第一天晚上被冻感冒了,到现在都没好,太难受了😭 其他的体验都还是很棒的! 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 16:00
  • 체크인 마감시간: 23:00
  • 체크아웃 시작시간: 07:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 11:00
  • 리셉션 종료 시간: 23:00

교통 안내

  • 도심까지의 거리: 10km
  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 50

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 층수: 4
  • 총 객실 수 : 18
  • 객실 전압(V): 220
  • 최근 리모델링 년도: 2017


중앙대로 226번길 3-2 삼양빌딩 6층, 동구, 부산, 대한민국, 601-010