이용후기 - T 호텔 종로 (T Hotel Jongno) @ Seoul

호텔 실제 이용객에 의한 검증된 후기 T 호텔 종로 (T Hotel Jongno)의Seoul. 객실 지도 가격 편의 시설/서비스 접촉.


편의 시설/서비스

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 한국어


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 온수 욕조

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 룸서비스(24시간)

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 금연 숙소
  • 컨시어지
  • 세탁 서비스
  • 흡연 구역

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 프런트 데스크
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 엘리베이터

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 셔틀 서비스
  • 주차장(유료)

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 무선인터넷
  • 책상
  • 객실 내 영화(VOD)
  • 샤워실
  • 커피/티 메이커
  • 금연
  • 에어컨
  • 헤어드라이어
  • 냉장고
  • 욕조
  • 휴식 공간
  • 목욕 가운
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송
  • 흡연 가능
  • 무료 생수
  • 유선인터넷(무료)




이곳을 외국인친구들때문에 급하게 인터넷으로 예약하고 찾아갔지만 나는 호텔을 예약했지 모텔을 예약하지않았음 외국인 친구들에게 당황스럽고 창피했습니다 인터넷상에서 본 사진솨 전혀 다른시설이었고 호텔이아닌 모텔이였고 인터넷에서 본 사진은 앞에 광고처럼 사진으로 존재했습니다 뭐하자는건지 이제서야 글을 씁니다만 정말 화나고 창피했습니다 조치를 취하던 사과하세요! 더 보기
가격대비 깔끔하고 편안하고 있을거 다있네요 일하시는 분도 친절하시고 주위에 야식먹을한곳도 많이있네요 더 보기
I could not be leave they are still operating on Window's 7. Time to step up to the real world and get Window's 10 for real. This one seems to be geared to short time (hours) instead of overnight or longer. 더 보기
There are better hotels around T Hotel 더 보기
Well, according to the previous review, we knew it was a love hotel so we did not expect much. We wanted a budget hotel for a 5 days stay centrally located. The hotel is at Jong-no 3(sam), a major hub in the city with a junction of 3 metro lines. Easy to go everywhere... But that's it. Now that I remember my stay there, it gives me the chills. Where to begin: - we arrived at 13:00 and they told us the check in time is at 17:00, first time in my life I heard that (and I used to work in hotels before), quite inconvenient - in 5 days, they never cleaned the room and when we requested it, they threw away my things. Rubbish never taken away, towells have never been changed - toilet get stuck all the time, with or without paper putted it and I had to clear it myself each time... - I happened to see what was under the bed and sofa as a pen fell on the floor... Disgusting - horrible smell in the room, need some fresh air everytime you come back - bed sheets with old dried blood stains (lucky I did not tell my wife about this) - pillow like a rock, so uncomfortable - no breakfast even when it is specified in my booking it was included - on our last day, they called us at 11:00 to do the check out, when we did it, we asked them if they could keep our luggage until 17:00 as our flights was at 20:00. They refused until we complained that our friends were told the check out time was at 14:00 but we did it at 12:00 At the end, it is a love hotel but I would have never thought it would be this bad. I could have booked tother hotel. I work in the hospitality, i know what to expect according to the budget, this hotel is so below par, JUST CHOOSE ANOTHER ONE!!! 더 보기
As the other reviews say, this is basically a love motel. Bed, bathroom (with tub), super big TV, lousy computer, but wifi is reliable. It's a little bit hard to find, but it's very near the subway as well as a whole street of small restaurants. Overall, no issues with the place. To find T Hotel Jongno, take the subway to Jongno 3-ga station, exit 1. Once on the street, walk until you see the MacDonald's sign. Turn into the short alleyway beside the MacD's sign. Go straight into another short alleyway past the small eatery. You will see one entrance to T Hotel at the end of a deadend. 더 보기
1. very hard to find the motel. it was not a hotel but motel. i took taxi twice to find the motel in seoul city. it was not on gps 2. the staff of the motel was very rude. when i enter the gate of the motel, the first words of the staff was "there is no room available" before asking anything to me. 3.it was very hard to find the location even to koreans, and foreigners who can not speak korean never find it. 4. i asked them where the restaurant is, and they said "we have no restaurant". and i asked them again that "breakfast included on the payment". and they said we will bring you breakfast. breakfast was just 2 pieces of toast and half cup of coffee. 더 보기
this hotel is a motel, so we're having a hard time finding it. too many motel surounds it and it in a tight alley so most likely to find couples going in and out of the motel. the service was not good maybe it a motel. in their promo there's a breakfast but we didn't have any. only good is it near the palace 더 보기
it was very difficult to locate this motel because they do not post up the addresses on the streets in korea as how they are listed on this site anymore. also, this motel does. rather it will be less than on week days if you just walked in instead of reserving through websites. this is not a high-end hotel that you might find savings on agoda. also, the listed number does not work. 더 보기
十分方便 房間很大 感覺很舒適 很清潔 浴室有個浴缸 夠大 很舒服 整體感覺良好 價錢合理!會再選擇!房間簡單佈局令人感覺舒適, 酒店地點很方便, 價錢亦算抵住, 值得推薦! 더 보기
ホテルの設備や立地の割にはあまり安くないと思いました。 確かにジョンノ3ガ駅から数分の所にあるのですが、実際は表通りから見えず、周囲はモーテルや深夜まで騒がしい飲み屋があり、怪しい裏通りに立地しています。そしてこのホテルも実際は「Tモーテル」という看板が掲げられ、モーテルの1つです。部屋は割と小ぎれいですが、野暮ったさが否めない感じでした。水回りもあまりキレイではありません。 ただし、歯ブラシやタオルなどのアメニティは用意してくれたので、手ぶらでビジネスには向いているかと思います。 더 보기
1度も、シーツ交換と掃除が無かった。 더 보기
場所がかなりわかりにくく、車で行きましたが道も狭いし入りにくかった。 おまけに電話番号ものってないし、迷いました。 部屋は写真がよすぎる。実際は狭いし、シャワーの勢いは少ないし、歯ブラシなし。タオル一つしかなし。 日本語通じませんでした。 韓国人の彼氏といったので言葉は問題なかったけど、完全ラブホで回りはラブホ街なので女一人旅には絶対おすすめしません。 おまけに高かった。この金額払うならもっといいシティホテルにすればよかった。。 더 보기
友達と2人での旅行でした。ホテルの場所はラブホテル街の中で、このホテルもラブホテルが改装させたようなホテルです。予約では朝食付きとなっていましたが朝食はありません。旅行で宿泊するホテルではないのですが、部屋は広くてきれいなので割り切って利用する方にはお勧めです。 더 보기
ホテルに到着し、フロントで予約バウチャーを提出したが、あなたの予約無いと言われました 最悪です。更に朝食付きなのに、それも無くありえません。部屋を用意してもらったが、今度はバスタブが無くシャワーのみの部屋でした。また文句を言って部屋を変更しました。ちなみに一緒に行った友達は問題無くテックインでした。 部屋の広さは特に問題なし、ベットは固く疲れが取れなっかたです。 더 보기
매우 좋음
1)ホテルは駅に近いが、場所が路地の奥にあり、まったく見つからず、駅前の  別のホテルから電話してもらい、迎えに来てもらった。 2)朝は9時以降でないと、荷物も預かってもらえないので、トランジット等   で、早朝着の便の方は要注意。 3)近くは繁華街なのでとても便利ですが、ラブホ街の真ん中にあります。   女性が一人で利用するのは気が引けると思います。部屋もラブホ仕様です。 4)良い点は、駅に近い!仁寺洞も徒歩圏!男性専用サウナも仁寺洞にあります   ので、冬も快適!   入り口はラブホですが、部屋はお風呂が別室で、寝室は結構広い。テレビ   も大きくて、快適でした。スタッフは若い人でしたが、とても親切です。 더 보기
時鐘酒店,感覺不舒服。一進房很大煙味、冷氣機只有幾個溫度調較。床單有污積和難聞的氣味,也有幾條別人的頭髮,應該是不會換床單。 洗手間空間還可以。因為沒有room service的關係, 停留3天內,垃圾桶沒有人清理,瓶裝水也沒有保給,要自己問服務員拿。 清潔的男人貌似吸毒者,常坐在旁邊的樓梯由晚上打手電至早上還看見他。 床單枕頭套也散落在梯間。 地理位置好, 近地鐵站和觀光點,步行就可以。雖然最初是難找,但認清路後便很方便,因發現可在大街的麥當勞的後門進出,超好行, 不過晚上那門會鎖起。 結論是:不會再入住。 더 보기

숙소 정책


  • 체크인 시작시간: 12:00
  • 체크아웃 마감시간: 12:00

교통 안내

  • 공항까지 소요시간(분): 40

추가 정보

  • 인터넷/Wi-Fi 사용료(1일): 0 KRW

숙소 일반 정보

  • 총 객실 수 : 35
  • 객실 전압(V): 110

주차 정보

  • 주차료(1일): 0 KRW


종로구,돈의동,163, 종로, 서울, 대한민국